Understanding Authorize.Net Error Codes: Common Issues and Solutions

Let’s discuss Authorize.Net Error Codes which can occur with your Authorize.net WooCommerce Plugin, let’s see what causes these errors and how to resolve them:

1. Error Code E00001: Unexpected error. Please try again later.

  • Cause: This is a generic error that occurs when the system encounters an unexpected issue.
  • Solution:
    • Retry the transaction after a few minutes.
    • If the error persists, check for any ongoing system maintenance or issues on Authorize.Net’s status page.
    • Review your API request for any potential anomalies or invalid data.

2. Error Code E00003: The element ‘{elementName}’ is invalid.

  • Cause: This error indicates that a required field in the API request is missing or has an invalid value.
  • Solution:
    • Verify that all required fields are included in the API request.
    • Ensure that the data types and formats match what is expected by Authorize.Net (e.g., numeric values for amounts, valid dates, etc.).

3. Error Code E00007: User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values [Most Common Authorize.Net Error Code].

Authorize.net Error Code API Authentication

  • Cause: The API Login ID or Transaction Key provided in the request is incorrect.
  • Solution:
    • Confirm that the API Login ID and Transaction Key are correct.
    • If necessary, regenerate the Transaction Key and update your integration with the new key.
    • If using production key in developer mode, or developer key in production mode.

4. Error Code E00013: The merchant API Login ID is invalid or the account is inactive [Most Common Authorize.Net Error Code].

  • Cause: This error occurs if the API Login ID is incorrect or the Authorize.Net account is not active.
  • Solution:
    • Ensure that the API Login ID is correctly configured in your system.
    • Verify that your Authorize.Net account is active and that there are no account-related issues.

5. Error Code E00027: The transaction was unsuccessful.

  • Cause: This error can occur due to various reasons, including invalid payment details, declined cards, or insufficient funds.
  • Solution:
    • Review the transaction details and confirm that the payment information is correct.
    • Advise the customer to check with their bank or try another payment method.

6. Error Code E00103: The transaction cannot be found.

  • Cause: This error indicates that the transaction ID provided does not correspond to any existing transaction.
  • Solution:
    • Double-check the transaction ID and ensure it matches the one provided by Authorize.Net.
    • Ensure that the transaction hasn’t been voided or expired.

7. Error Code E00044: The referenced transaction does not meet the criteria for issuing a credit.

  • Cause: This error occurs when attempting to issue a refund or credit to a transaction that doesn’t meet the required conditions (e.g., the transaction is too old, or it has already been refunded).
  • Solution:
    • Verify that the transaction is eligible for a refund.
    • Ensure that the refund amount does not exceed the original transaction amount.

8. Error Code E00040: The subscription cannot be found.

  • Cause: This error occurs when the provided subscription ID does not exist in the system.
  • Solution:
    • Confirm the subscription ID and try the request again.
    • Ensure that the subscription ID was correctly entered and that it has not been canceled or deleted.

9. Error Code E00027: The transaction was unsuccessful.

  • Cause: This error can be triggered by invalid card information, insufficient funds, or other payment-related issues.
  • Solution:
    • Verify the card details (card number, expiration date, CVV) are entered correctly.
    • Request the customer to try a different payment method if the problem persists.

10. Error Code E00114: The merchant does not accept this type of credit card.

  • Cause: The merchant account is not configured to accept the type of credit card used in the transaction.
  • Solution:
    • Contact Authorize.Net support to enable the desired card types for your account.
    • Inform the customer to use a different credit card that is accepted by your account.

11. Error Code E00008: User authentication failed. The payment gateway account or user is not active.

  • Cause: This error indicates that the account or user associated with the API Login ID is inactive or has been suspended.
  • Solution:
    • Confirm that your Authorize.Net account is active.
    • Check with Authorize.Net support to resolve any account suspension or inactivity issues.

12. Error Code E00116: Transaction cannot be accepted.

  • Cause: This error is typically caused by issues such as an invalid credit card number, expiration date, or CVV code.
  • Solution:
    • Double-check the payment information provided by the customer.
    • Ensure the card details are accurate and try processing the transaction again.

13. Error Code E00027: The transaction was unsuccessful.

  • Cause: This is a general error that can occur due to various reasons, such as card declines, insufficient funds, or invalid payment information.
  • Solution:
    • Review the transaction details and ensure all information is correct.
    • Consider asking the customer to use a different payment method.

14. Error Code E00009: The payment gateway account is in Test Mode.

  • Cause: This error occurs when your account is in Test Mode, which means it is not processing real transactions.
  • Solution:
    • Switch your account from Test Mode to Live Mode in the Authorize.Net Merchant Interface.
    • Navigate to Account > Settings > Security Settings > Test Mode and disable Test Mode.

15. Error Code E00102: The billing information is incomplete.

  • Cause: This error is triggered when mandatory billing information is missing from the API request.
  • Solution:
    • Ensure that all required billing fields (e.g., billing address, city, state, zip code) are included and correctly filled in your API request.

16. Error Code E00207: The transaction was declined by the processor.

  • Cause: This error indicates that the transaction was declined by the card issuer or payment processor for reasons like suspected fraud or insufficient funds.
  • Solution:
    • Ask the customer to verify their payment details or contact their bank for more information.
    • Try processing the transaction again with a different payment method if necessary.

17. Error Code E00039: A duplicate transaction has been submitted.

  • Cause: This authorize.net error code occurs when an identical transaction is submitted within a short period, usually within two minutes.
  • Solution:
    • Verify if the original transaction was processed successfully.
    • Wait a few minutes before resubmitting the transaction to avoid triggering the duplicate transaction filter.

18. Error Code E00032: The referenced transaction does not meet the criteria for issuing a credit.

  • Cause: This error is shown when trying to issue a refund for a transaction that doesn’t meet the criteria (e.g., the transaction is too old, or the refund amount exceeds the original amount).
  • Solution:
    • Ensure that the transaction is eligible for a refund and that the refund amount does not exceed the original transaction amount.
    • Contact Authorize.Net support if you believe the transaction should qualify for a refund.

19. Error Code E00117: The transaction was rejected because the card code is invalid.

  • Cause: This error occurs when the Card Verification Value (CVV) provided does not match the information on file with the card issuer.
  • Solution:
    • Verify that the CVV code is entered correctly.
    • Request the customer to re-enter the CVV code or use a different card.

20. Error Code E00119: The transaction was declined because of the Address Verification System (AVS).

  • Cause: The AVS check failed, meaning the billing address provided does not match the address on file with the card issuer.
  • Solution:
    • Ask the customer to verify their billing address and ensure it matches what is on file with their card issuer.
    • Reattempt the transaction with the corrected billing information.

General Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Review Documentation: Always cross-check error codes and their meanings with the official Authorize.Net API Documentation.
  • Testing Environment: If you’re working in a sandbox environment, some errors might be simulated. Test in the live environment once you’re ready.
  • Contact Support: For persistent issues that you cannot resolve, contact Authorize.Net support for assistance.

Understanding these common authorize.net error codes and how to resolve them will help ensure smoother transactions and minimize interruptions in your payment processing.

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